21 March, 2010


For this post, I'm just going to write... just to get the ideas down. No holds barred:

When you study sound, you gain a thicker appreciation for materiality in the physical world. This whole experiment is akin to sitting in an old theater (which I did not to long ago) and not being able to see a single thing. You are surrounded by the darkness, and you can't see a thing, you don't understand anything. Then, your eyes start to adjust, and the shadows reveal themselves. Then there are hints of light, color, and space. Then you decide to take a picture, the camera clicks...FLASH! Enlightenment.

It's there for a second, so you flash again, and again, until you can finally understand what you're sitting in.

There are days where the work is completely boring, and you're frustrated because the recordings don't come out the way you had planned.

And then there are days where if I'm patient enough, the beauty will reveal itself...

FLASH: By being patient, I am beginning to learn why certain breads sound the way they do, or why all of the chairs in the cathedrals have straw seats. At first I was annoyed by the sound of the seats, but it made me start to ask 'why straw?' If you've ever sat in a straw seat versus a wooden one during a cold day, you'll understand why. Aside from comfortability, straw conducts heat much faster than hardwoods. It makes all the difference, trust me.

FLASH: On friday, I visited an old school which had floors that sounded like one hundred trees being ripped from the ground. With every step another forest snapped.

FLASH: Whenever I walk through certain gardens, my shoes are left with white chalk stains from the gravel, and when I see the stains the next day when I'm putting on my shoes, I start to remember the sound of the gravel under foot, and what it felt like to be in that surrounding. There's a peace to it.

FLASH: The way wet stone captures the light in the afternoon.

Materiality isn't just for looks, and it's not something you can just look up in a catalogue and choose from. Every material is saturated with meaning and symbolism, and it's from our memories of these experiences, these flashes, that we can achieve satisfaction in our work. It's a different kind of design intelligence.

They say that to be a strong member of any intelligence agency you have to have a steady mind, an unswerving sense of believe in what you're doing, and be a hopeless romantic.

6787 327.

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