02 March, 2010

That Next Place...

At times, there are ideas, things and places in life that beg for personal creative exploration in the hopes that one may find a sort of grace on earth. This, is no different.

And although I am leaving behind a life in Los Angeles, which in the past four months I have come to love and thrive off of, I arrive in Paris with an understanding that some of the most important journeys in life are the ones journeyed alone.

Within my first hours of walking in the city I came to the realization that I had not spoken a single word, and I loved it. My mind had a chance to simply think, listen. Free of its crackberry, the spate of media and the things that ostensibly connect us to the world but divorce us from it, I found myself free to run wild with creative thoughts and observations, and I was able to ‘see’ again. These minutia, the details of this quotidian Parisian life, reminded me again of the richness of the human experience and of the potential that design has to invigorate that.

So as an extension of my thesis at the University of Southern California, I will begin tomorrow and engage in the University of Life to begin my next experiment of unlearning how to see...

Of the Creative Office, Opus Das
“Paris J’écoute”

Photo de Rémi, le petit fils d'Edouard Boubat, 1995.

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